D.G. Ruparel College Frequently asked question Site Map of Ruparel College Website


  1. Students who pass the S.S.C. Examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education, are eligible for admission to the First Year (Std. XI) of the Junior College.
  2. Students who pass an Examination equivalent to S.S.C. conducted by any other Board, must comply with the procedures of obtaining an eligibility certificate at the time of admission from the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Mumbai Divisional Office, Vashi, New Mumbai - 400 703.


  1. Students who pass the Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) Examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, are eligible for admission to the F.Y.B.A. /B.Sc. /B. Com./ B. M. S. / B. Sc (IT).
  2. Students who pass the H.S.C. or equivalent examination of any other Board must produce an eligibility certificate issued by the Eligibility Section, University of Mumbai, Kalina, Mumbai - 400 098.


  1. Students should pay the prescribed fees to the Accounts Section or Special Counters opened for the purpose at the time of admission to the F.Y.J.C. (Arts / Science/ Commerce) and F. Y. B. A. / B. Sc. / B. Com. / B. M. S. / B. Sc.(IT) classes.
  2. Schedule of fees will be displayed on the College Notice Board.
  3. Fees will be accepted in Cash/Cheque for both the Junior & the Degree College.
  4. Fees should be paid at the authorised counter only.
  5. Guardians should ensure that they obtain a stamped receipt immediately after any payment is made.
  6. Care should be taken to ensure that payments are not made to unauthorised persons. The College will not be responsible for any lapse in this matter.
  7. Reserve Category Students must fill the Freeship / Scholarship forms as per the schedule displayed on the Notice Board.
  8. Eligible Reserve Category students will be exempted from paying full regular fees. The proposal will be sent to the Social Welfare Department, Government of Maharashtra for its sanction. They will be required to pay the Fees not sanctioned by the Social Welfare Department in the Second Term.


  1. If a Student informs the institution before the commencement of the academic year that he/she wants to withdraw and he/she cannot continue his/her education in the same institution for any reason, the institution concerned should refund to him/her in full the tuition fee, term fee, laboratory fee (if any) and library and laboratory deposits, if any actually recovered. The admission fee may, however, be retained by
    the Institution.

    EXPLANATION : So far as the F.Y.J.C. classes are concerned the academic year should be deemed to have commenced from the eighth day (i.e. excluding Sundays and Public Holidays) from and including the days of declaration of the S.S.C. Examination Result. If the said day of declaration of results is a working day, OR from and including the working day immediately following the day of declaration of the S.S.C. Examination result if the said /date of declaration of results is a Sunday or a Public Holiday.
  2. If a student desires to withdraw and applies for refund of fees after the commencement of the academic year (vide explanation under (a) above) the institution concerned should retain the admission fee, term fee and laboratory fee (if any) in full. The library and laboratory deposits should however be refunded. So far as the tuition fee is concerned the
    institution should retain the tuition fee only for the month (s) beginning from the month in which the academic year had commenced and ending with the month in which the student had applied for withdrawal of admission or refund of fees. The tuition fees for the remaining months of the term should be refunded (For example, if a student applies for refund of fees in the month of July, after the academic year has commenced in that month itself, the Institution should retain the proportionate amount of tuition fees for one month only, namely the month of July. On the other hand, if a student applies for refund of fees in the month of August, after the academic year has commenced in the month of July, the institution should retain the proportionate amount of tuition
    fee for two months only, namely the month of July & August. If a student applies for refund of fees in the month of August after the academic year has commenced in the month of June, the institution should retain the proportionate amount of tuition fee for three months only, namely the months of June, July, August.)

On cancellation of Admission, refund of fees will be as per the guidelines of University of Mumbai. The refund amount will be paid by cheque within 30 working days from the date of cancellation of Admission.