This plugin handles embedded media such as QuickTime, Flash, ShockWave, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player. It has two output methods one is normal embed/object tags and the other is javascripts the later was added to workaround the IE embedded media issue, read more about that in this article.
Installation Instructions
- Add plugin to TinyMCE plugin option list example: plugins : "media".
- Add the button control name to a toolbar row in the theme
Initialization Example
tinyMCE.init({ theme : "advanced", mode : "textareas", plugins : "media", theme_advanced_buttons1_add : "media" });
Using the JavaScript output method
Object/embed tags are outputed to the HTML code by default when using this plugin but there is an alternative JS output method. This enables you to workaround the issue with IE not beeing able to "seamlessly embed" media objects in a HTML page due to a law suite.
You will have to add a specific media embed script to your page inorder to use this output method. This script includes the functions needed to output the various media types using a document.write method. This script is located at this path "tiny_mce/plugins/media/jscripts/embed.js". Add this script to your page header.
We recommend that you copy the script our from the TinyMCE directory to your sites/systems script directory since deeplinking into TinyMCE from pagelevel isn't recommended since files such as this might be moved in the future.
Example on how to add the script to your page header:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="embed.js"></script> <head> <body> Some page with a TinyMCE instance. </body> </html>