Making language packs
Language packs are simply JavaScript name/value arrays placed in the "
tinyMCE.addToLang('',{ cut_desc : 'Cut (Ctrl+X)', copy_desc : 'Copy (Ctrl+C)', paste_desc : 'Paste (Ctrl+P)' );
Remember the last translation line should not have a , character at the end. The first parameter to the addToLang is the prefix to add before each variable, this was added to reduce the overall size of the language packs to reduce the overall download time.
Files to edit
When translating TinyMCE, these are the files that currently needs to be translated:
Notice some language variables may include a name/url of a gif image or simmilar, for example the button for bold has a "F" character in the Swedish language pack. There are also relative window sizes located in the language packs, for example is the link dialog needs to be bigger inorder to fit a specific translation you can alter the width of the window by modifying these variables.
Contributing your language pack
Go to the sourceforge patch page and upload a zip containing all the language files in the correct directory structure.
Please translate all the plugins, even if you aren't using them.